What is anti-static in terms of Bulk Bags?

All woven polypropylene has some anti-static quality, here we explain what they are.

All woven polypropylene FIBCs have some earthing qualities – they are made from plastic after all, but knowing what type of Bulk Bag you are using and its anti-static safety qualities can be helpful.

Dr M Glor categorised the method of construction for bulk bags to determine their suitability for use in a flammable atmosphere. Here is the outcome of his studies.

Type A – these are generally standard imported bags and have no special safety precautions

Type B – these are made from a fabric having a breakdown voltage of less than 4 kV – this bag is also considered a standard type, although it is worth stating that you need your bag to Type B when required.

Type C – these are the normal ANTI-STATIC bags which incorporate conductive threads inter-connected across the seams and require earthing. This bag is generally earthed by conductive tabs attached at specific places on the bag to ensure it can be earthed. This type of bag is in the picture above – at the back. This type of anti-static bag will be sufficient for most situations and processes.

Type D – these bags have conductive threads that are not interconnected and, it is claimed, do not require earthing because static is dispersed by corona. This type of bag is often referred to as ‘Chronique Blue’ and looks like the bag at the front.

Euroflex offer the full range of both standard and anti-static bags, including the Chronique blue.

We are happy to offer our expert assistance, please give us a call.

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